Customer stories

Global organizations choose the Gomo eLearning authoring tool to empower their workforce.

Discover how The Wellbeing Collective uses Gomo and Bridge to offer its personal development clients the best possible eLearning experience.

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"One of our clients called a piece of our work ‘The most creative and engaging course of any that I’ve seen.’ The amount of different ways we can present information, and make it look interactive—our clients have been blown away by it all."

- Becca Godfrey, Head of Technology, The Wellbeing Collective

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Discover how Companies House maximized Gomo’s versatility, evolving from a single course to an array of handy and creative content authoring use cases.

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"We needed to educate homeowners on a key issue that doesn’t get a lot of attention—and we wanted to get that information across in an engaging, friendly, and tailored way."

- Gary Townley, Senior Communications Manager at Companies House

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Find out how UK pub company and brewer Greene King used Gomo to keep learning content relevant and responsive in the face of constant legislative change.

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"We needed truly responsive learning—our courses had to do more than shrink down or force learners to switch to a landscape layout. Just as importantly, we needed to achieve this level of responsiveness without the need for coding expertise. That’s why Gomo’s mobile-responsive elements were a huge tick for us."

- Sarah Talbot, Learning Design Manager

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Discover how Gomo enabled Warner Music Group to supplement its core L&D capabilities and pioneer business-wide transformation projects.

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"Partnering with Gomo for our in-house content creation needs has allowed us to remove the roadblocks for our SMEs. We’re able to centrally set the standards, accessibility, and language requirements for our content, ensuring that SMEs don’t get bogged down in the authoring world."

- Josh Novelle, Sr Director People of Experience and Insights

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With over 100,000 learners and 10 core languages, discover how Gomo helped TDK empower local authors and consolidate key courses to achieve fast, global-scale eLearning design.

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"The Gomo team not only sped up their microlearning creation plans to assist us in training our authors, they also worked with our regional colleagues to create and incorporate captions for this training in languages such as Japanese."

- Panagiotis Argyropoulos, HR Service Partner, Training & Development Department, TDK

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Learn how through ease of use, scalability, and flexibility, Gomo ticked all the boxes for a provider of continuing education in Orthopaedic Surgery.

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"What happens with many adaptive tools is you can stretch it out and zoom in to see it, but it's not as meaningful. Gomo’s responsive panels ensure that as you move to a different device, the content is still preserved, it’s still dynamic, and the message is uncompromised."

- Lisa D. Anderson, Senior Instructional Designer, AO Milestones

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Discover how the Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust used Gomo to streamline eLearning content creation and collaboration with SMEs across the organization.

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"Gomo is really having an impact in the trust. I'm also getting Gomo requests from nursing units with highly specialist professional development learning needs. There has been an increase in demand and I think it's because it's such an easy tool to use. SMEs find it effortless to put their vision into place.”"

- Yassir Mahmood, Employee Journey Manager, Organisational Learning, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

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Discover how LEO GRC was able to quickly and easily convert its existing off-the-shelf course library using Gomo.

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"Gomo is flexible, scalable, and future-proof. It’s a very user-friendly tool that allows every team that touches it to avoid long processes or costly development time. SMEs can easily jump in and add in a couple of extra pages, and the end-result is visually more varied than a lot of similar authoring tools."

- Dr. Liz Hornby - Principal Consultant, LEO GRC.

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“Gomo’s flexible templates and all the different layout types and effects result in courses that look great and prime our trainees to learn, especially on mobile." Discover how Gomo helped HLA drive innovation in the humanitarian sector.

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"[Gomo's] multilingual capability is naturally perfect for our international audience—the English content was easy to export and hand to our translators, and once they were done, importing their localized versions was just a simple." "

- Shona Henderson, Director of Global Learning Solutions.

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Visually striking eLearning design, Discover how our custom theme helped drive engagement with Godiva's millennial workforce, and helped improve their sales.

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"The program of content required a mobile-first authoring platform with the flexibility to provide a truly customized look and feel, one that provides an engaging experience for our learners... Gomo was the tool that meant this could happen."

- Karina Chiechi, Learning & Development Manager Godiva Americas

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When Affirmity needed to rapidly move their instructor-led training online, Gomo offered the scalable, high-quality yet cost-effective solution they needed.

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"In the past, our training has been webinar or instructor-led. eLearning gives us a valuable new revenue stream that equips our customers to better scale key diversity and inclusion topics."

- Pam Pujo, Affirmity Diversity Advocate

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Discover how HFA used Gomo to create on-demand information and resources to support people with rare blood disorders

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"Gomo’s visual rhetoric capabilities made it an immediate frontrunner when we were selecting an authoring product... Our courses don’t just look great; there are lots of clever layouts and interactive parts that our learners love looking into. "

- Lori Long, HFA Institute Director

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How Gomo helped Fidelity International UK achieve cultural change

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"Using Gomo to host and deliver the project ensured that no part of the ambitious design had to be compromised. We now have an experience that used all the right methods to deliver critical learning messages in the best way and in the best possible context."

- Richard Pedley, Fidelity International UK’s Learning Project Manager

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Discover how Gomo's mobile-friendly and engaging eLearning offered a fresh approach to Domestic & General's compliance training

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"Using Gomo allows us to bring out the best from a cosmetic point of view, with beautiful backgrounds, page assets, and pop-ups. It's made a massive difference."

- Dharmesh Chauhan, Senior Online L&D Consultant for Client Sales

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Learn how Royal Mail upskilled and connected their staff through slick, modern learning design

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"The course embodies our aspirational culture and values. As a learner, you feel valued. It feels interactive and media-rich. It’s light and easy to maintain, but it also feels super-slick."

- James Barton, Royal Mail Group’s Online Learning Manager

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Discover how Rentokil used Gomo to create fully responsive, mobile-friendly courses to cater for a global audience of learners

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"We’ve seen an increase in completion rates since moving to Gomo. Our courses can now be completed on mobiles and tablets, which is a huge win for us. It looks great on every device."

- Alejandro del Mazo Alonso, Rentokil Initial's U+ Content Developer.

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Learn how Santander used Gomo to create on-brand. multi-device eLearning content for over 20,000 learners.

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"We have increased our use of Gomo over time. We initially trained up our internal team but it quickly became flavor of the month so we had to up our subscription to 15 licenses... Gomo is a saving grace for putting out projects."

- Euan Hay, Santander's Digital & Innovation Specialist.

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