Gomo eLearning full feature list

A summary of all our amazing features

Content Creation

Course organization

Organize your courses into folders and sub-folders to ensure you can find and access your courses quickly.

Responsive courses

Courses built in Gomo are responsive and adaptive, meaning they will work on smartphone, tablet, and desktop devices. There’s no need to rebuild the course three times.

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New course wizard

Create the structure of your new course with our three-step wizard to get you up and running quickly.

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Flexible layout control

Choose from one-, two-, three-, or four-column  layouts. Design your screen however you want. There are no fixed/rigid screen templates with Gomo

Advanced content editor

The Gomo content editor allows you to build your screens how you want. With simple drag-and-drop functionality, you can create your content with our wide range of content interactions, sub-screen reveals, and display conditions.

Copy and paste

If you want to reuse a screen you’ve created in another topic or course, simply copy and paste it where you need it to go.

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Course duplication

Whether you create a series of ‘template courses’ as your starting point, or need to build variations of a course, you can duplicate courses in your account to create a whole new course.

Course transfer (Enterprise)

If you work in partnership with an external agency or have multiple Gomo accounts for different business departments, you can transfer copies of courses between connected accounts.

Screen layout templates

Gomo includes a wide variety of pre-configured screen layouts to save time. They’re not fixed though, so you can edit and customize them to match your requirements.

Navigation styles - horizontal or vertical pagination, or continuous scroll

Tailor the user experience of your course by controlling the flow of your screens. Gomo supports horizontal pagination, vertical pagination, as well as continuous scrolling which allows you to present a scrollable flow of screens without the need to ‘click next’ to continue.

Parallax background images

Add a little motion to your screens by offsetting the background image scroll speed in comparison to the page scroll speed.

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Screen level navigation controls

Customize the navigation of your course screens with Gomo’s screen-level navigation controls. Set display conditions and the destination for next/previous buttons and choose which extras appear on screen (e.g. Help, Glossary, Resources).

Branching scenarios

Building branching scenarios into your course is easy with Gomo. Use a combination of display conditions and variables to track user decisions (e.g. role filter) and build your content journey based on a number of pathways through the content.

Background video

Create screens with extra impact by adding in a background video. This is great for the title screens at the start of a topic or as part.

Live preview by device type

Gomo’s in-built preview tool allows you to switch device types so you can see how the course will look on desktop, tablet, and smartphone devices.

QR Code preview

If you want to see what your course looks on an actual smartphone or tablet, you can use our in-built QR code to quickly scan and launch the review version of the course straight onto your device


Sub-screens can be added to a screen to display additional information (e.g. when a learner clicks on a hotspot within a diagram). Gomo provides a number of display options to configure how the sub-screen appears. Any item that supports an event action can trigger a sub-screen.


You can easily add video and audio content to your courses. Gomo also supports iFrame content too, meaning you can embed externally hosted content (e.g. a YouTube or Instilled video or H5P content).


Gomo includes an ever-expanding range of content interactions that you can add to a screen to enable learning designers to create a rich, engaging content experience.

Hotspots/Image markers

If you need to create an interactive diagram or scenario, you can use Gomo’s hotspot and image marker interaction, which enable learners to click on areas within your image or diagram. When clicked, a configurable action will be triggered (e.g. to show a sub-screen or external link containing additional information).

Display conditions

Display conditions allow you to tailor the content shown on screen or even the screen itself, based on one or more conditions being met. You have advanced controls over when content or screens are shown—whether the conditions are based on variables, completion of a prior topic, device type, or many more options.

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Course structure visualisation

See a visual layout of the topics and sub-topics in your course.

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Embed imagery into your course screens or as a background image. Gomo also includes a handy resize feature so you can adjust your images as required.


You can add buttons to your courses to trigger a wide variety of actions available within Gomo. Linking to other sections of the course, setting a variable, or showing a sub-screen are all common actions used with buttons. Gomo includes a number of button styles per theme.


Control how content appears to learners with the use of our animation library and timer controls

Knowledge checks and question interactions

Add knowledge checks to your topics with our library of question interactions. Check a learner’s understanding at the end of each section before they move on to an assessment or quiz.


Trigger events based on user interaction using Gomo’s action library. Showing a sub-screen, linking to an external website, branching to another section of the course, setting a variable and many more actions are available to add depth to your course. Actions can be triggered by button clicks, in-line content links, or key events such as responding to a question.

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Variables can be set up in advance and modified based on how a learner interacts with your course. Commonly used with display conditions to tailor the content experience based on learner interaction, variables can be used for a wide range of advanced experiences such as branching or personalization.

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Table of contents

The table of contents element can be added to your courses as a global feature in the header or footer navigation bar. The table of contents provides learners with a quick way of visiting the topics in your course without needing to jump back to the menu.

Inbuilt course search

Gomo includes a search extra, which can be included in your courses to allow learners to search the course for key content. The search results will allow them to jump directly to the screen and topic that contains the content.


If your course content contains a number of terms that are important, the glossary extra can be added to courses to provide a quick A-Z summary of them.


If you need to provide instructions on how to use the course, the help extra can be added to your courses. You can even add multiple help pages and target specific pages to launch them.


If you need to provide a summary of additional supplementary content for your course, you can add a resources section to the header or footer navigation. You can add links to documents (e.g. PDFs), embed video/audio, or external links.

AI-assisted text generation

Automatically produce course introductions, conclusions, and learning objectives that get to the heart of your content without disrupting your learning design workflows.

Automated course review

Get hands-free quality assurance every time with Gomo’s AI-assisted course review feature. Gomo can help you maintain consistently high quality even when you’re pressed for time or resources.

Visual Design

Theme library

Select from one of our pre-built themes to define the look and feel of your course.

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Theme configuration

Edit the theme settings to change the default look and feel to make it match your brand. You can even save your customizations to apply to any course in your account.

Customized themes

If you need your courses to look a particular way, we also offer a custom theme service where our design team will work with your brand guidelines to produce a theme tailored just for you.


Question banks

Question banks can be used as part of a quiz or assessment or even included as a knowledge check. Build up your bank of questions on a topic and then choose how many questions you want to include. You can even build multiple banks based on different topics and then collate a number of questions from each.

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Gomo supports two types of question randomization. Firstly, you can randomize the order in which multiple- choice questions show the available responses. Secondly, when using question banks, you can choose how many questions to include from a bank and the questions retrieved will be randomly selected.

Feedback and multiple attempts

Provide inline feedback to your learners based on how they respond to single or multiple attempts at the same question.

Scoring and feedback

If your course includes a formal assessment or quiz, Gomo will automatically calculate the score based on the number of questions and how many the learner got correct. Whether you publish your course as SCORM 1.2, 2004, or xAPI, Gomo will send the assessment result back to your LMS or LRS.

Admin controls

Team management

Account owners have access to add, edit, and remove users within your account.

User roles

Assign roles to individual users to give them different levels of access and permission.

Single sign-on

Corporate clients who have their own IdP can choose to access Gomo using single sign-on (SSO).


Comments and Feedback

Assign reviewer access to a specific course(s) to capture feedback per screen in your course as tasks assigned to your production team.

Task management

Your production team can use Gomo’s task management feature to view all tasks and track progress and completion.

Team collaboration

Your design team can co-author content, working collaboratively in real-time to build courses.

Topic locked indicators/overwrite protection

See who is working on a course with our helpful ‘topic locked’ indicators. When a topic is being edited by another team member, it will be locked to prevent overwriting each other's work.

Resource Management

Centralised resource library

Build and manage a centralized resource library for all your images, audio, video, PDFs, etc. Resources can be reused in any course in your account to avoid unnecessary duplication.

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Content in use indicators

Resources are flagged as in-use to prevent accidental deletion.

Update once, apply everywhere

If you need to replace a resource (e.g. an updated logo or PDF policy document), you can replace it once in the resource library. The next time you open or edit a course that uses that resource, the update will be automatically applied. This means you don’t have to manually update every course and screen where it is used.


Single language or multi-language courses

Courses can be built in a single language or as a multi-language course based on your requirements.

Language selectors

Learners can choose their language preference from a navigation drop-down menu or buttons on screen.

XLIFF export/import

Gomo supports the industry-standard XLIFF format so you can export content for translation and then import it back in again.

AI translation for individual assets or full courses

Powered by generative AI, Gomo’s auto-translation capabilities allow you to generate nuanced and naturalistic translations at the push of a button.



Courses created in Gomo can be published out as SCORM 1.2 packages and uploaded to your LMS. For further details around what API methods we support, please check out our knowledge base article.

SCORM 2004

Courses created in Gomo can be published out as SCORM 2004 (3rd and 4th edition) packages and uploaded to your LMS. For further details around what API methods we support, please check out our knowledge base article.


Courses created in Gomo can be published as xAPI packages and uploaded to your LMS or other delivery platform. Gomo supports xAPI-defined endpoints (your LRS details are included in the package) or undefined endpoints (your LRS details are passed to the package on launch). For further details around what xAPI statements we support, please check out our knowledge base article.

Google Analytics

You may wish to track general usage patterns of your course content. Gomo includes the ability to add Google Analytics codes to your course. Please check out our knowledge base article for further details.


Publish wizard

Publish your courses using Gomo’s quick and easy publishing wizard to guide you through the publishing steps.

Zip file download

If you are publishing your courses to upload to your LMS, Gomo will package up your course content into a Zip file for you to download.

Gomo delivery

If you subscribe to our Gomo Delivery service as well as Gomo Authoring, you can publish your course updates in just a few clicks. Learn more about Gomo Delivery.

Last publish archive

If you can’t find the last Zip package publish of your course or forgot to download it, don’t worry. Each course in Gomo has a handy ‘Last publish’ archive so you can download it again.

Gomo Delivery

LMS wrapper

With Gomo Delivery, you can upload a tiny LMS wrapper package to one or more LMSs and then update them instantly from Gomo Authoring. The LMS wrapper functionality is also very useful if you want to control access to your content (e.g. if you are licensing it out to third parties).

Direct access

Gomo Delivery allows you to create a direct access link to courses for those occasions when an LMS isn’t needed or appropriate. You also have the choice of tracking users anonymously (default) or enabling a registration form during publish to capture the details of the learner accessing the link.

Content embed

If you need to embed your content into an existing portal or intranet, Gomo Delivery will generate a small HTML embed code that you can add to your destination site to show your course.

Instant updates

When content is deployed via Gomo Delivery, you can make instant updates to your content (via Gomo Authoring) that, when published, will be available to your learners via any of the Gomo Delivery distribution routes. With the LMS Wrapper route specifically, this avoids the need to republish Zip packages and wait for someone within your organization to re-upload to your LMS or multiple LMSs.


Knowledge base

Our Knowledge Base (KB) provides comprehensive learning resources and ‘how-to’ guides. This is available from inside the Gomo editor via our KB Help Widget. Support tickets can be raised within Knowledge Base.

Gomo academy

The Gomo Academy provides YouTube-style microlearning for Gomo customers. Our goal is to help users get answers to some of the more common questions as quickly as possible, so we can help you master the platform sooner.

Ready made sample courses

Choose from a selection of beautiful courses,  available for you anytime. These sample courses will help you to get started and spend less time working on layout and navigation.

Interaction reference library

This provides all of the Gomo features within a single course, so it’s even easier to see how your assets will look, feel, and function.

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Our support ticket system provides the platform for support, downloadable ticket responses, and dynamic linking to knowledge base articles.

Regular webinars

Thought leadership webinars delivered by Gomo’s subject matter experts can empower your learning designers and showcase new features.

Telephone support (enterprise only)

As part of our Enterprise subscription, our support specialists provide guidance via video conferencing software to ensure a speedy solution.

Professional Services

Tailored training packages

We can provide tailored training packages to upskill your teams on how to use and get the most out of Gomo.

Capability building workshops

Going beyond training your team on how to use Gomo, through partnership with our sister company LEO Learning, we can also provide capability building workshops and sessions to share specialist insight and expertise to build amazing eLearning content.

Custom theme creation

Whilst Gomo includes a number of default themes that you can customize, we also provide a custom theme creation service that will ensure your course content matches your brand and design requirements exactly.


Keyboard accessible navigation

Users can execute most Gomo functions using a keyboard. Visual elements on a Gomo page are ordered into blocks and columns that can be tabbed through based on their ordering.

Screen reader-friendly

Published courses are HTML-based and so are generally accessible to screen readers such as JAWS. Gomo courses have been tested with JAWS and the reading experience has been acceptable.

'Alt images' and transcripts

All images can have ‘alt’ text assigned, which can be read by screen readers. The Gomo audio and video player components also have a transcript feature to provide a text alternative to the audio tracks. Our video player also supports closed captioning in VTT format (.vtt), enabling timed captions to be displayed on top of video content.


Amazon Web Services (AWS) hosted

You can be certain your content is hosted securely and that you always have reliable access to it. We use Amazon Web Services, the industry-leading provider. AWS delivers the highest network availability of any cloud provider on the market.

Encrypted at rest

Your data is important, therefore all content is encrypted at rest using industry-standard algorithms.


Not only do we ensure your data is secure, we regularly back up all data to protect you from any unforeseen disasters.

Load balanced design for scaling

Gomo is hosted across multiple availability zones, which means we do not rely on a single physical location. Behind the scenes, we balance traffic across those locations, ensuring you always receive the most optimal experience.

Annual security testing

We conduct annual penetration testing with external testing agencies to ensure Gomo complies with industry-recognized security practices.